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  • Innovative Healthcare Solutions.

    Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book...

  • The First & Only Daily Use C.diff Sporicide

    STERIPLEX SD kills the two most usrgent mictobialthreats in hospitals today, Clostridium Difficile (C. diff) and Carbapenem Resistant Enterobacteriaceae. (CRE’s) in less than 5 minutes...

  • The Coflex® Device is a Titanium Metal Implant.

    The coflex® Interlaminar Technology is the 1ST and only motion preserving minimally invasive treatment for moderate to severe spinal stenosis post decompression...


About Us

Argentum LLC is a manufacturer’s representative for break-through technology products that deliver high value to consumers in the larger healthcare space.

Ourfootprint allows us to service customers in Santa Barbara County,Los Angeles County, Orange County and San Diego County– a geographical area that comprises the second largest healthcare market in the U.S based on the number of hospital beds.

We actively seek to represent manufacturers that may range from start-ups to established companies, but with innovative products targeted towards the larger healthcare area, that are in need of professional sales, distribution and marketing services.

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What We Do

Argentum partners with manufacturers to provide sales, marketing and distributionservices, through our highly trained team of Sales and Marketing professionals.

We stock and distribute high value products based on innovative technology, and provide specialized training and support services to customers.

Customer segments that we support include surgeons, healthcare and infection control professionals at healthcare facilities throughout Southern California including Cedars-Sinai, UCLA and USC medical systems.

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Our Products

Argentum is proud to carry Paradigm Spine LLC’s COFLEX® line of spinal implants. The COFLEX® Interlaminar Technology is the 1st and only motion preserving minimally invasive treatment for moderate to severe spinal stenosis post decompression.

The coflex device is a U-shaped, titanium alloy implant that fits between two bones called the spinous processes located in the lower back (lumbar region) of the spine. The device is placed between two adjacent lower back bones after surgical relief of pressure on the spinal cord and nerve (decompression) to ease the pain associated with lumbar spinal stenosis, a narrowing of the passages for the spinal cord and nerve.

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Our Principals

Rob has spent over 22 years in Medical Devices distribution businesses. He is founder and co-owner of American Medical Concepts, the largest multi-specialty Orthopedic and Neuro-spine distribution business in the Northwestern part of the United States. He also co-founded and is an owner of Synergy Medical systems, one of the premier DME businesses in the country.

Rob sits on the boards of Sagacity Media, Crosscurrent Inc., is a board member of Portland Center Stage and has sat on the Presidents Council of Stryker Corporation, the largest Orthopediccompany in the world. He is also a consultant to Glenview Capital on Wall Street for Healthcare. He has made over twenty angel and venture investments in his career and has a deep understanding of start-ups and growing companies.

Rob studied at the University of Washington and has two children. He has a passion for the arts, sports, travel and business. Rob can be contacted at rob.goodman@argentumllc.com.

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